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Writer's pictureAnnie Keys

who is the real winner?

I Peter 2:9

At the conclusion of Valentine’s Day, my 12 year old grandson was standing with a friend at the car loop waiting for their ride home. The friend was holding a box of chocolates, a fuzzy teddy bear and a bright red heart balloon in his hands; all gifts from his girlfriend. Another friend walked up and began taunting, “You have a GIIIIRLLL friend!” The first friend who stood with many gifts said nothing and friend two kept on with the teasing.

Finally, my grandson turned to the taunting friend who stood with no gifts and said, “DUDE! The man has a box of chocolate candy, a cute little fuzzy bear AND a big red balloon—while you and I stand here with NOTHING because we don’t HAVE a girl friend. Who should be making fun of whom here? Hello?”

The world does the exact same thing to Christians. We stand, with our sins forgiven and the up close and personal moment by moment attention of the God of the universe. Yet, the world makes fun of us!

The scripture says we will be persecuted. The persecution comes because we are really and truly a ‘peculiar,’ chosen, called out, different kind of people. The world can’t understand the meaning of the evidences of our committed lives. The gifts we bear are not discernable through the eyes of the world.

When people mock us for our faith, remember we stand with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, joy, peace and love. With those gifts we have the personal attention of the Lord God Almighty, divine direction and the knowledge to handle life’s problems through God’s Word. Remember whose you are and know you are loved. Ask God to show you opportunity to tell your friends about Jesus so they can know perfect love too.

I Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for coming into my life, forgiving me of my sins and making me your child. Help me to remember how loved I Am and show me how to lead my friends to you so they will experience this great love. Amen.

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