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Writer's pictureAnnie Keys

Special is ---Special

Special is—Special

Hosea 6:6

My daughter’s birthday is in a holiday month. Every now and then, the holiday falls on the exact same day as “her day.” Her 13th birthday was one of those times.

Since I love to cook, holiday meals are a time to go all out; I bake and cook till I have enough food to feed a small city. In the midst of all the cooking prep, we stood looking at the chocolate cake, the pies and the cookies. Turning to me, my daughter said, “Mama, where’s my birthday cake?”

I told her the chocolate cake could be for her birthday. With a look of dismay she said, “But mama, that’s for everybody, it isn’t for ME.” Of course, she was right. I hugged her and got my mixing bowl out.

Life can be busy! Sometimes, it’s so easy to get caught up in ‘doing’ things that we “include” God too. God created us for companionship with Him, relationship not just here on earth, but throughout eternity in His presence.

Has the business of life taken you away from your relationship with Jesus? Oddly, including a quiet time for conversation with the Lord doesn’t cram our day up. Those moments spent with the Lord give us strength for the day, peace from the busyness and relief from the stress.

Talk with the Lord, just like you talk to your friends and family. He loves you so much! He literally created you for the pleasure of your company. Christianity isn’t a religion, it’s a relationship. He made a place in your heart that only He can satisfy. Make time; take time, just for– Him.

Scripture: Hosea 6:6 I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings

Prayer: Father God, help me to always remember how much you love me. Touch my heart so that I want to make time for you, no matter how busy my life is. I love you. Amen.

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