Nehemiah 2:20
Amplified Bible
20 I answered them, “The God of heaven [has appointed us for His purpose and] will give us success; therefore we His servants will arise and build, but you have no portion, right, or memorial in Jerusalem.”
Just think that the God of heaven has you here for this appointed time, to build His kingdom. So be careful how you judge the workers. The enemy doesn’t want you to do the work of God and satan will use anyone to get you to stop that includes the family of God. We have to put our hands to the plow and keep turning over the ground. God will give us success when we stay in His will. It might not look like it in man’s eyes but in Gods we come out victorious. When you believe you can change your world then that’s when the power of God starts to go out of you. First we have to believe and then get started. It is right to learn from our adversaries. If he goes about, let us be diligent; if he seeks who he may devour, let us seek who we can save, and if He watches carefully to find our weak points, let us watch and find how we can best reach people.
Have a heart after God so we can do the work.
Aurdrey Gunn