1 Peter 2:9
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;
that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
I ask myself sometimes why would God want to choose me? But God chose everybody. They just have to choose Him. In this scripture, how God gave up so much so that I could be saved. When Jesus died for me I became chosen into a royal family. A royal priesthood Kings and priests unto God, Revelation 1:6 As princes, you have power with God, and victory over sin and Satan, the world and the flesh: as priests, ye are consecrated to God for the purpose of offering spiritual sacrifices; a holy nation Under Christ, your King; a people who, being purchased by the blood of Christ. We might live in a sinful world but we are the light that has to shine in it. Go today and tell someone they can be chosen.
We are here to show a world about Jesus.
Audrey Gunn